Come to find out, there was an Irishman by the name of William Lamport (b. 1615). He was quite the rake, and a love affair-gone-bad (real bad) caused him to flee all the way to Mexico. Once there, he was outraged by the poverty and degradation of Indians and Africans. Ultimately accused of plotting a war of independence against the government, he was imprisoned. He escaped ten years later and lived as a fugitive, continuing his life and love affairs in the New World. He was eventually captured and sentenced to death by the Inquisition, which launched his name into legendary martyrdom. At the time, his adventurous and charitable lifestyle was well-known, and citizens dubbed him,"El Zorro." Like I said, little did we know.
I have a good collection of DD stuff, including several dioramas; they're my "little altars". As an artist, this "Frieda" one is special to me.
Click on the title of this post for some good video about Dia de los Muertos.
Well, look who's been blogging up a storm! Or should I say, during the storm. Or perhaps, creating a storm. By the way, that Groucho Marx quote is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Very Mark Twain-like.
Thanks for noticing.
Groucho and Twain were separated at birth.
Zorro was Celtic? Good grief!
Love the tale... and the knowses...
Patrice--Good grief, indeed! Those crazy Celts; always running off somewhere. If everyone had just stayed home, this would still be a New World.
Oh, and how about the Mexican Graveyards. How festive and interesting with all the crypts and crosses and flowers and such. I wanted to paint one in Isla Mujeres, but it was SO DAMN HOT, that I took a swim and a shower instead>
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