Casey Klahn has posted an interesting pastel on The Colorist,
called "Dog, detail #1". We couldn't pass up the opportunity.
According to Psychology Today, Jay Neitz at the University of California, Santa Barbara, tested the color vision of dogs and came up with a nice chart.
We have a question...

What's psychology?
Funny-- the dog's view doesn't look like a Milkbone...
Yes, and also what is dog psychology? My dog looks at me and only sees hearts dancing. Seriously - he is a big fan of humans.
Thanks for the mention, Sam. Now I will have some visits other than the German electric cigarette website.
I just wonder how they know what dogs it based on how many color rods they have?
Actually, it's the cones. Dogs have two kinds. Humans have three. Color- blind people also have just two. Dogs make up for it with noses that about a kajillion times more sensitive than ours.
The same with Deer. Other-worldly hearing and smell make up for the fact that they are non-binocular and color blind.
This explains why dogs thought I was blonde and more fun (they didn't know my hair was red). Babies screamed but dogs liked me.
REALLY? You must be part dog? Love your 3 previous pieces
No red! A very subdued spectrum, very interesting!
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