Sunday, June 17, 2012


It's 95 degrees,
a dry wind is blowing 50 mph,
and the High Park fire continues to rage 
20 miles north of the ranch.

I'm still painting canvases,
 but I'm too distracted to finish one.

It's easier to knock out these little paintings
using the DrawCast app on my phone.

While flowers are feverish here,

I dream of the cool trees in Maine.

Apptitude is everything.


hw (hallie) farber said...

The top painting is beautiful and calm until I realize it's fire; then your flowers are oozing anxiety.

Be safe and keep that apptitude. I can't imagine being so close to raging fires.

Patrice said...

Very cool! I love the little portrait, especially.

Celeste Bergin said...

fire is beautiful ---nice images :)

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Love the top image and the halo of light from the smokey air. 20 miles is close with winds at 50 mph! Hope the ranch is spared and the fire is quickly contained! We hear bad news about the Fort Collins fire, too. Hot times in Colorado this summer!

Jala Pfaff said...

I love this bottom painting! It reminds me a bit of a Casey Klahn.
I didn't know the fire was so close to your ranch. :( Any prognosis on that?
I'm out of the 'hood now. Saw your hubby at McGuck's.. If it ever drops below 95 this evening I'm taking Moji to Coot Lake. Ugh.
Check out my blog today for hilariousness of what happened to my sculptures.