Four weeks and four feet of snow this month
have not deterred the osprey pair one bit.
Another foot fell like religion every Tuesday.
Every Wednesday, the birds wove
a new layer of sticks on top of the fresh snow.
Like religion.
Then one day, right in the midst of building their fourth taj,
you could see their moonstruck moment.
They sat like this for almost an hour,
sort of taking it all in.
She's on the left.
They slept in the nest that night.
It got so I felt guilty for watching.
Today, they waited.
He threw some fish at her;
she threw around some more lumber.
Because she can.
Meanwhile, I have a canvas
testing my own perseverance.
Every once in a while, I throw something at it.
Because I can.
I don't know.
The longer it's on the easel,
the weirder it gets.
That used to be a whole ranch.
Now it's a nothing but a brick shithouse.
No taj there.