Wednesday, June 26, 2013


What with that supermoon hogging the show,
you might have missed the Solstice last Friday.

It was a nice evening in the garden.

Monday, June 24, 2013

fair weather clouds

When I did this painting in May,
it reminded me of the 4UR, a ranch in southern Colorado
 which belongs to some good friends of ours.
It's one of the most beautiful places that I know of.
Anywhere on earth.

Fair weather clouds build most afternoons.
Sadly, they now have become horrible smoke clouds,
created by the West Fork Complex fire.

 Colorado is burning.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Not only did the trip home 
from YouCan'tGetHereFromThere last forever,
it made us sick. 
A gnarly bug, incubated for those untold hours on the plane,
gave us weeks of explosive sneezing and rumbling coughs.

Just to prove anything at all is moving here,
we've finally gotten the garden in.  Mostly.
  I like to wait until it's at least 90 billion degrees out,
 don't you?

In other news... 
I have this sketch awaiting on a 2' canvas,
and though I've actually put some paint on the beast, 
I think I'll let 'er git along some before the unveiling.

Yeah, yeah.
 Both the garden and the painting will get done.