Monday, August 2, 2010

hair of the bee

Dogs don't like booze,
so that bit about their hair curing a hangover
makes no sense at all.

On the other hand, taking away the pain of a bee sting
almost instantly by putting a dab of honey on it
works like a charm.


Melinda said...

I did not know that. Whoa. Did this happen while you were "window pleining?"

If so, you'd better stay inside with heavy clothing, and stay away from snakes, bees and other wildlife.

Are you getting any relief from the heat? We finally are, though it's gonna get hot this week.

SamArtDog said...

Let's hear it for the M-O-N-S-O-O-N-S...


brian eppley said...

I know of one particular dog that is quite fond of Guinness. Whenever we pour he is with us. Face in the bowl, he laps up the black drool, only to find a small stimulus. His eyes do arise as if to say "thanks for that guys but I'm fine with water and my fitness!"

Jala Pfaff said...

Oh, ouch. Where did it happen? Like, on the ranch, or on your toe?
I had heard that about honey--supposed to be good for minor wounds, too. Never tried it though.
I like the photo. It looks like a painting.

SamArtDog said...

Brian, I thought this was funny when I first saw it, but when I read it aloud to our in-house Guiness-diver, I heard the limerick. I guess drinking that black brew puts the Irish in ya, eh me bye?

SamArtDog said...

The attack occurred on the porch on my thigh.

Honey heals minor burns and blisters, too, as well as being an anesthetic. Plus it makes the booboo taste as good as a biscuit!

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Ouch! Didn't know that about honey.

loriann signori said...

Hi Sam...sorry about the bee...glad to hear the honey worked. Are you on the ranch?

Celeste Bergin said...

Really? I was stung by a bee once and I didn't have any honey at the time (not that I would have known enough to try this). My Mom used to always tell the story that some of my very first words were swear words because as a tyke I would toddle over into the yard next to where we lived...the man who lived there was a beekeeper and he had very colorful language. When I was punctuating momma and dadda with *)^&^&*%^&$%#$! she put up a fence. haha I felt compelled to tell you all this because of that beautiful honey picture.