Monday, May 21, 2012

welcome to your planet

No matter who you are or where you live,
a very cool thing to see on the Internet 
is now being launched at:
Instead of explaining it,
 I'll let you explore the planet yourself.
You didn't have anything else to do, did you?
Except maybe find art.
Look here.


Page Railsback said...

Love your phone app art Sam

SamArtDog said...

Thank you, Page. This one is called Drawcast. More complicated (and fun) than the Jackson Pollock one and able to do much more. I highly recommend it.

hw (hallie) farber said...

Ah--the purple one is pointing the way. Nice. I'm glad you reposted this link.

SamArtDog said...

May the purple one point the way to your red sandal.

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing it -- and pointing the way.