Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I planned to take a picture of 
this gorgeous Kokopelli peach
before I ate it.
That's been my plan all along,
all the way through the past first dozen or so.

Well, now that the season is well underway,
I'm not promising nuthin.


Anonymous said...

YUMMMM........thanks for reminding me about those beauties!

Bob Lafond said...

At least you took the picture before you ate all of it. A picture with bite.

hw (hallie) farber said...

What a peach! I tried painting peaches; the final was two peaches and a pit. Title: "Then there were Two." I'll have to look for Kokopelli.

Jala Pfaff said...

I thought this was a painting! It looks like one.
I love how, this time of year, one has to eat peaches over the sink. The only downside is they're like a buck fifty each.

Celeste Bergin said...

the color of this just jumped off my sidebar..beautiful!

http://carolking.wordpress.com said...

Your photo looks as luscious as if you had painted it.

Now I will have to go out and purchase some peaches.

http://carolking.wordpress.com said...

Your photo looks as luscious as if you had painted it.

Now I will have to go out and purchase some peaches.