Tuesday, April 30, 2013


This is nuts.
Two days ago, it was a blythe 75 out at Coot Lake.

If you're one of the very exclusive few who follow this blog,
you know that five weeks ago, also a Tuesday,
 nearly a foot of snow fell.
And that another foot of snow has fallen
 on every single Tuesday since.

Here we go again.
Due in late tonight, the fifth dump.

If I were an osprey,
I'd be filing a flight plan back to Rio.


Page Pearson Railsback said...

OMG...The poor birds and people
Stay warm Sam

Nancy Colella said...

That is incredible! Weather seems to be a big news item these days. Crazy. How are the dogs dealing with it?

hw (hallie) farber said...

This is heartbreaking.

I've never before been part of anything labeled exclusive.

SamArtDog said...

When it's 75, go swimming.
When it's 25 (like now), go to bed.

SamArtDog said...

You think this is heartbreaking? Just wait until this latest storm reaches its destination this coming weekend at Churchill Downs for the Kentucky Derby.

Sheila Vaughan said...

But it makes a marvellous talking point - when I meet up with friends I can say "Do you know it is still snowing in Boulder, Colorado?"

SamArtDog said...

Down in Denver, they like to joke about "only in Boulder". Sure beats talking about the weather, eh?

loriann signori said...

CRAZY! So that is spring, eh?