Monday, June 10, 2013


Not only did the trip home 
from YouCan'tGetHereFromThere last forever,
it made us sick. 
A gnarly bug, incubated for those untold hours on the plane,
gave us weeks of explosive sneezing and rumbling coughs.

Just to prove anything at all is moving here,
we've finally gotten the garden in.  Mostly.
  I like to wait until it's at least 90 billion degrees out,
 don't you?

In other news... 
I have this sketch awaiting on a 2' canvas,
and though I've actually put some paint on the beast, 
I think I'll let 'er git along some before the unveiling.

Yeah, yeah.
 Both the garden and the painting will get done.

8 comments: said...

Oh no! Sorry about the bug! Glad you got the garden in. Can't wait for the dog painting.

It will all get done when it gets done.

Celeste Bergin said...

I am quite confident you'll get it all done! I really enjoy the start of the dog--it's a work of art in and of itself. Sorry you've been sick and glad you are better!

Kevin Mizner said...

It's too bad a trip to Ayuhland got you sick. But I am digging the canvas!

Page Pearson Railsback said...

That is correct Sam..Chill, Be still, walk barefoot on the earth..and then....the composition looks GREAT when you are ready. We can't wait

hw (hallie) farber said...

This is gonna be a cool painting--I already love the drawing. Speedy recovery.

SamArtDog said...

Carol, Celeste, Kevin, Page and Hallie---

Just when my bag seems too full of it to lift, y'all step up to help me carry it. To encourage me and humor me. And do I appreciate it? Why, yes I do!... 'Deed I do!

Sheila Vaughan said...

Whooh, dogs knowses - don't you just know how that feels. Design is great. Hope you are feeling on the better side of bad Sam.

SamArtDog said...

Yes, Sheila. I'm finally getting on the better side of bad.