I refused Vicodin for the pain.
This being Boulder,
my doctor suggested cannabis cream or Calamine lotion
and agreed that
maybe a little wine would be okay.
Shaken not stirred,
I am the big pink drunk.
Sam Art Dog
"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look
of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically
dogs think humans are nuts."
- John Steinbeck
I'm sorry to here of your affliction. Which one is the chaser?
well, whatever it takes! I really feel for you, Sam!
In the pursuit of restorative rest (I.e.,unconsciousness) I have rediscovered naps. Ahhh...
Vicodin? Sheesh. Don't blame you for not taking it.
I have had good results for fever blisters taking L-Lysine, 500 mg. Seems to diminish the pain, and helps it heal faster. I take like 2 capsules every four hours in the beginning.
I really truly thought there was some other treatment than pain management. Sigh! Keep up the good wine and naps!
Rest and restore. There was a male dancer in MD called Big Pink--I don't remember the calimine.
I hate complaining and apologize for even having brought any of this up. Must be some sort of sorry self-medication. Happily, your kind words and thoughts have helped. The antiviral med has also done its best, the blisters are healing and the weatherman has promised no more 95. At last.
So sorry you have shingles. I like your treatment, but I think I would add some chocolate! Feel better soon!!!22dscludo
Linda, 22dscludo? Is that word verification?
Yes, chocolate. Every day.
Again...oh no! That sucks. But at least you're drinking away the pain with a chaser of calamine lotion. Or is that pepto?
chocolate is bad for Shingles! Really! But glad u r better!
Reading about all the rain in Colorado. Hope you are high and dry, and safe.
Boulder flooded. Flooding all the way up and down the Front Range. Mountain towns and canyons all closed. We've had over 1 foot of rain since Monday night. Still raining very hard and will through Friday.
It's my birthday so some neighborhood drinking is planned for this PM. Wear waders and BYOB.
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