Wednesday, January 25, 2012

big wave tango

The trades have been in irons for the last three days. Hot and humid and still. Last night, storms finally broke them free and the surf began thundering in again. The 30 ft. waves are big enough to shake the house.

Oh yes. This is what we love. The camera and the paint are all set up. Ready o roll. The camera jockey is happy shooting world-class surf jockeys. And painting is a pure pleasure. Problem is, I can't ignore the combination of the surfers out there and the tango playing in my head long enough to paint more than this quick sketch.

Then there's the issue of so many shrimp, so little time...
p.s. Note to self: head should not look like coconut.


hw (hallie) farber said...

You've seen so much is just a few days! The quick sketch is great--relax and eat shrimp.

Nancy Colella said...

Love hearing about your adventures and thank you for sharing. Enjoy and embrace.

Celeste Bergin said...

haha..."coconut" are so funny--that sketch is superb! What a beautiful place be inspired at every turn. I'm dialed in to see whatever (photo, iphone art, sketches and paintings) you might produce next! said...

I like Ms. Coconut-head. I've never been to Hawaii. What island are you on?

Page Pearson Railsback said...

Gosh Sam...I lost track of you!..I see you are in Hawaii...yippee...Enjoy

SamArtDog said...

From your comments I'd say you should,