What could be colder and darker than here?
In Maine, they're having a blizzard.
They sent home the help at the assisted-living place
and are passing out picnic boxes to the inmates.
My mother's comment:
"Yup, we call it winter."
At 92, she's got those New England understatements
down cold.
tree #7
Eye-popping color! And "zing"!
If they send home the workers, who takes care of those who need care? Your mom will organize the inmates, it sounds like. Hope there are plenty of blankets to go around.
Love ALL your trees! Really fun!
Hope your mom stays warm!
Your Mother has it right. I wouldn't call our storm here in Maine a Blizzard, -- heck, it was only 8 inches. Wouldn't even cover the branches of tree #7
Don't worry; My mother made it out this morning to get her hair done. And along with the picnic boxes came a BBOL invitation to the lounge.
I figure living past 90 earns you all the hyperbole you want.
I love the lines of this tree, the very lines that make up this tree!
Yeah, in Maine, they're very, um, matter of fact about winter. "Ayuh, it's cold." (when the temps had dropped to a mere -35°) When I mention it is cold here in not-really-balmy southern California, my relatives get very amused. So now I say it's chilly.
Don't you and your Mother realize that Florida is where she is supposed to......oh, oops, nevermind..I remember the Maine attitude. They would never consider retiring to the sun!
Love the tree...so cheery!
She sounds like a true Mainer. God Bless her. This tree series and your comments are so entertaining. Thank you!
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